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The TIE card is going to make life much easier for British expats, especially travel.


Warning: British residents in Spain without the TIE card will have to apply for new EU travel visa

It is expected that Green Certificate holders may face significant delays and difficulties at borders.

Humphrey Carter28/05/2024 10:10


Ditch the Green Certificate and get TIE resident cards, Britons living in Spain are urged by British Embassy

We are working with the Spanish Government and the EU to prepare for the implementation of this new scheme

Jason Moore13/05/2024 15:49

Make sure your passports are in order to avoid any last minute disappointments.

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All Britons need to know about the new EU travel entry scheme

You will have a photo of your face taken, and your fingerprints scanned.

Humphrey Carter04/05/2024 11:16

Low cost airlines are putting their prices up this sumer.


UK to Mallorca air fares set to rocket this summer

Flight prices for 2024 summer season to rise by 42% for this summer.

Humphrey Carter03/05/2024 11:51

Tourists arriving to Palma airport


UK snub to Brussels over free movement

The European Union wants to try and make life easier for young Britons who want to live and work in the EU, but Sunak was quick to say no. However, he’ll be off first.

Humphrey Carter03/05/2024 09:43