Mallorca shines on Australia - you beauty!

Top infleuncer Cartia Mallan on the island

Cartia Mallan in Mallorca. | Instagram


Influencers and bloggers from all over the world are coming to Mallorca this year and sharing the island’s delights with the rest of the globe.

This week, Australian Cartia Mallan, who has taken to her Instagram-fame with great heart, has been exploring the island and having a great time.

Her social media career took off after uploading videos onto Youtube about beauty, makeup and fashion.

Cartia, who is known to her fans for her unique bohemian style and bold brows, has since worked with big brands such as Sportsgirl, Bondi Sands, Alex Perry, and has created vlogs on her travels, confidence and spirituality.

She said one of her passions is to help young people live the life they want to live and The Brisbane-born beauty has been promoting the very best of Mallorca to her hundreds of thousands of followers.