Chicken and egg


The fiestas are over, Palma had a blast this year, but it is now dead. Not only have I noticed it but quite a few fellow residents have commented to me on how quiet the city is. Fourth quarter employment may have been up last year, but I am eager to see what the stats are for the first quarter of this year. Granted, the winter sales may have helped with some part-time extra shifts, but we are not talking full time. I get the impression that the sales have been successful, but while I’ve been snooping around for a good bargain, I’ve heard little but Spanish or Catalan being spoken. Very few foreigners about in Palma.

There are plenty of hotels open, remember, "it’s better in winter", but the restaurants don’t appear busy. In fact, a number of bar and restaurant owners I know close during February because the city is "dead". One friend of mine has been forced to close his restaurant. Despite the prime location on the Paseo Mallorca, it just did not happen. And look at the problems businesses are having along the Paseo Maritimo in Palma; most of the seafront businesses are up for sale.

On our Facebook and website the argument is raging over winter flights, some people claim there are, others disagree. Sadly, Majorca, even Palma, just can’t seem to crack the problem.