Staying open


I know it sounds incredible but it is interesting to note how many restaurants in central Palma close their doors on a Sunday at the height of the tourist season. Everybody is entitled to a day off but surely Sunday is not the best day to close when the majority of your earnings come from the holidaymakers during the key summer months. Close in the winter on a Sunday no problem, but in the summer? Not a good idea. Sunday is the day when a large number of cruise ships drop anchor in the port. If Palma is going to welcome fewer tourists this year, then local businesses are going to have to fight for every penny so that they can survive during the long winter months. The local ministry for tourism and the Palma city council should encourage businesses to stay open during the summer months.

I also find it incredible that businesses, which rely on tourism for their livelihood, go on holiday in August. If you can survive without tourists then no problem, but there are not many businesses in Majorca which can just survive from the resident population. Palma really needs to be open all hours especially during the key summer months. If Majorca is going to make the maximum of the cruise ship trade, then businesses need to be open. It is no good closing on a Saturday afternoon or a Sunday. This island lives from tourism and if the tourists are not spending then we have a problem.