This is the perfect weather for going to the cinema and what a varied choice of excellent films we have on offer in English. However, there is one stand-alone movie which, although perhaps slightly erratically directed after all the problems in finally finishing the production, is thoroughly entertaining. I know the industry has nitpicked its way through Bohemian Rhapsody, but I went to the opening night at the Rivoli, only managing to get my hands on a few of the last remaining tickets and from start to finish was just blown away, as were the several hundred other people in the audience of mixed nationalities who gave the film a rousing round of applause when the final credits rolled. I have not seen that in a cinema in decades. It reminded me of when passengers used to applaud the pilot on landing, sadly nowadays most of them are too drunk to notice.
Palma's rhapsody
Palma03/11/2018 19:32