A great Majorcan idea


Over the past 20 years, Majorca has evolved into a key location for shooting international and domestic films, TV series and advertisements.

The island’s audio visual industry is now a serious money spinner and job creator but, more importantly, productions shot on location here act as a very valuable shop window for the island as many are seen across the world and, it is a known and proven fact in the tourist industry, that films and TV series shot in exotic and spectacular locations, influence people’s travel decisions.

So, not only is the Council of Majorca keen to inject further efforts in to promoting the island as a production location, it has come up with a new novel and ingenious twist.

It is going to create a “green and sustainable” film base, the first of its kind in Europe and the novelty factor, it is hoped, will increase activity in the industry even more.
From TV series like Love Island, The Night Manager, The Majorca Files to blockbuster films such as Cloud Atlas, the most expensive independent film to date which starred the likes of Tom Hanks and Halle Berry, they have all been filmed on the island and have increased interest in Majorca, not only amongst potential tourists but also other production companies.

As a location, Majorca has everything and it now has a highly professional and go-ahead audio visual industry which is competing with the very best.
Give the Council of Majorca an Oscar.