Palma01/05/2020 13:26
When hundreds of thousands of people in the Balearics and millions across the country, along with a never ending list of companies, have had to endure pay cuts, bonus reductions and the loss of all extra financial incentives, Palma’s left wing coalition council this week rejected a proposal to freeze wages and use all non essential cash to create an emergency war chest to help the municipality at large.
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You really didn’t expect anything else , now come on heaven forbid councillors would even consider helping anyone apart from themselves they only want the job for the easy money 💰
The Council is special because they are Politicians.How dare you thing decency and common sense applies to this group of very important individuals.There is nothing to stop any politician of any party refusing a pay rise. The U.K. has gone one better ,our MP.s have decided to accept an extra £10,000 as they are working from home!