
Are you taking the ....


Here in the Balearics there has been a bit of argy-bargy over the ban on smoking in public places, including beaches and the fortnightly flipping and flapping over restrictions by the local government, but the local council in Vigo, Galicia has raised the bar.

The council has just voted in favour of not only dissuading people from smoking on the beaches, it does not apparently have the power to enforce an outright ban, similar to the U-turn by the council of Madrid where people can smoke providing there is a three metre social distance. Vigo had gone the extra mile. The municipality covers 56 beaches, some of them the most beautiful in Europe, only trouble is the weather is similar to Wales.

Nevertheless, new restrictions and measures have been introduced and if any one is caught urinating on the beach or even in the sea, they could face a fine of up to 750 euros.
How on earth bathers are going to get caught when they get caught short in the sea beats me, but it is apparently all part of Vigo council’s new sustainable tourism and environmental protection programme. The council has acknowledged that there is a severe lack of public toilets and that this will be resolved during the harsh winters which lash Northern Spain, so it is being proactive.

I just hope the Balearics don’t get a sniff of this latest crack down.