
Spain’s “self destruction”


The push for a Republic in Spain is gaining momentum and gathering support from senior members of the government, although it threatens to not only split the country but also the left-wing coalition government. Over the past few days, Spain’s Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the left-wing Unidas Podemos political party Pablo Iglesias said that the current corruption scandal involving the royal family represents a “historic moment” for Spain to become a republic.

According to Iglesias, the monarchy is no longer suitable for the younger generation of Spanish citizens, as “less and less people in Spain, especially young people,” understand why they cannot choose a head of state and why a head of state can avoid responsibility if commits a crime.

However, his boss, Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez is not in favour of such a move, not right now at least and senior members of the Socialist Party have warned that any such action could “destroy Spain.” That was what former Socialist Prime Minister and party baron Felipe Gonzalez warned yesterday. He went on the record to state that ditching the monarchy “would sow the seed for the self-destruction of Spain as a nation state.” And, the 78-year-old vowed to fight tooth and nail to stop Iglesias, who was key to getting Sanchez elected PM, in his tracks. Looks like the coalition could be in for a bumpy ride.