Time for reflection

Time to reflect on what's important


WE are coming to the end of a year no one could have predicted or expected and it will certainly be one to forget.

But there is light at the end of the tunnel and perhaps we could flip this Christmas and New Year on its head and make the very most of the few people we can celebrate with and be grateful for what we have got.

One thing this pandemic has brought home to me is how important friends and family are.

We are all having to make sacrifices but deep down, on reflection, friendship is priceless and vital.

On the whole we live in a society, which until earlier this year was obsessed with material goods, a world living on credit and way beyond its means.

Now, we have time on our side to reflect - thousands of people have stepped up to the plate to help others, quite often people they don’t know or may never meet, but without those who have reached out to aid charities, food banks and neighbours or come out of retirement to help the medical service, we would all be in a much worse situation.

This is perhaps the year to spend a little less on Christmas and think more about those not so privileged and start laying down the foundations for a new road map for when we emerge from the pandemic and continue living in a more caring and socially aware world.

There are a lot of positives we can learn from this crisis, let’s not let it go to waste.