Majorca tourism

Banking in Mallorca

Plus why do I still pay bank charges?

Villages in Majorca are being left without any banks and not everyone is online. | - EFE


Deya is about to join the long list on villages which no longer have a single bank branch as Spain’s large banks continue merging and obviously slimming down on their branches, and staff.

However, as the Balearic consumer office pointed out yesterday, there is a generation of people who are unable to cope with online banking - I have to admit I find it a pain myself.
Considering my branch is 300 metres from where I live, I still have to do most of banking online. Luckily, having been a client for the best part of 30 years, what is left of the staff know me and are only too keen help when I do have a problem.

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But, I have heard plenty of stories of people being told by bank clerks that they will either have to go online or use the ATM outside - leaves me wondering what bank employees actually do all day now when the majority of clients are being encouraged to do it themselves online.

But, not only does this change in banking habits pose a series of problems for Mallorcan residents, how do tourists cope?

OK, we are all being encouraged to use plastic as a result of covid, but that does not always work for everyone and for people on holiday, what are they supposed to do if they need to change their Pounds or withdraw some cash if they are staying in a village which does not have a bank? Plus why do I still pay bank charges?