Palma needs a referendum

What is being done about this and many other problems the city is plagued with?

EU recovery aid is flooding in but I think we, the people, should be asked how it is spent | J. TORRES


Palma has some of the worst tap drinking water in Spain and certainly one of the worst eyesores - the old GESA building in prime position on the city’s sea front - but what is being done about this and many other problems the city is plagued with?

On the table is the airport tram project. Well I always use the airport bus, it cheap and quick, so what is the problem?

I have lost count of the times I have cycled past the GESA building but it continues to irritate me. How it can be a protected building because of the architectural value is beyond me. So many projects of how to revive the building and put it some good use have gone no where. My answer is knock it down, create a giant open space on the sea front for people to enjoy.

For visitors who have never come to Palma before, it must be quite a shock to see the GESA building before the majestic Cathedral while travelling in from the airport.

Politicians ramble on about the “beautification” and protection of Palma and the island in general, well surely they can’t seriously believe that the old GESA building sits comfortably with all that.

So, let’s have an open and public debate. Why does not the council hold an on-line and transparent referendum. Ask the people of Palma what they want to do with the GESA building, save it or demolish it. I have a pretty good idea what the result would be.