Mallorca on the edge

The main Balearic medical union has recommended that company parties be cancelled

Christmas work parties. | CRISTIAN CASTRO


Party or not to party, that is the question. The main Balearic medical union has recommended that company parties be cancelled and, according to the restaurant associations, some establishments have seen a 50 to 60 percent increase in the number of company “doos” being cancelled at the last minute.

I fully understanding the reasoning but what a serious blow for restaurants. I think a flat rate charge should be introduced for people either failing to turn up for a booked table or large groups cancelling at the last minute. Just think of all the extra produce restaurants would have bought to cater for large groups, only to be informed at the last minute that they are not coming. That’s a huge outlay for no return and just as many restaurants are getting back on their feet after having been closed and then restricted for a good 18 months.

This Friday will be the last time the Balearic Covid commission will meet before we launch ourselves into the festive season and some major decisions may be taken, whether we like them or not, otherwise we could emerge from the festivities in a very complicated situation. Sadly, it’s all about making the best of a dreadful situation and I for one would not like to be a politician right now, if ever. It’s quite clear that certain new restrictions are going to come into play over the next month to pave the way for a better year ahead.