Comment: Two years from lockdown
Yes, we’ve got the vaccines but as yet they don’t offer 100% protection
Who would have thought two years ago that we would still be wearing masks? | r.l.
Palma16/03/2022 09:35
Two years ago Spain introduced some of Europe’s strictest lockdown measures at the start of the pandemic during the spring of 2020. However, two years later the country now has one of the highest Covid vaccination rates on the planet.
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I know people who really believe it was all a hoax, run by some billionaires who made billions. All secretly. So secret, that only those who believe it know anything about it. And naturally, there's not a shred of evidence, because, well, it's a secret. That of course, doesn't explain how billions of people were in on it, and amazingly, not one managed to spill the beans. A few who had nothing to do with it managed to fabricate conspiracy theories on social media, but unfortunately, they were of course, baseless, because there is no evidence, and it's completely implausible. But that's just how "alternate facts" work. Still, it's shocking how many people get their knowledge of the world from Facebook and Instagram. And the Sun, Daily Mail, and Daily Express.
What part of me replying to your absolute tripe are you denying exactly Jimbo.
What planet are you on Juan? That's exactly how the narrative played out. God help you
James. NOBODY ever said vaccines prevent you from catching or passing the virus. NOBODY said you won't die if you are vaccinated. NOBODY ever said only the vulnerable will be vaccinated. Your failure to misunderstand these (and more), basic facts are evidentally why you people are simpletons. Ignorance certainly is bliss isn't it?
@juan. We're the simpletons? That's hilarious! The last 2 years have been lie after lie. It didn't come from the Wuhan lab. Yes it did. If your vaccinated, you can't pass it on. Yes you can. You can't die from covid if your vaccinated. Yes you can. 96% efficacy. No it isn't. 2 shots and your protected. No your not. We'll just vaccinate the vulnerable. No we won't. Can you not see the pattern. And you still believe the bullsh#t these idiots are telling you. It's called ignotive disodence. Your ego won't allow you to except you've been lied to so much. Because the truth is so upsetting you carry on with the lies as its easier than dealing with the truth. Alot of society deal with there life's like this. Sweeping things under the carpet.
James- Thank the lord you simpletons have always been in the minority and have not made this whole situation even worse for the rest of society than you already have.
@mark just you be careful of all those 1629 adverse side effects. You might be one of the unlucky ones. We know now the vaccines were useless. The Omicron variant finished the Pandemic or Russia. Studies coming from Scotland/ England are showing worrying times for alot of triple pickers. AIDS. Dig a little deeper for your news. Instead of propaganda. You'll find it if you want to. Or maybe you like burying your head in the sand.
Hey James, how about the millions it saved. Rather than mentioning a few exceptions. You stupid people just never give up. You are an insult to all the people that lost their lives, as they did not have the vaccine in time. Idiot.
The vaccines and the masks were about as much use as a chocolate tea pot. Just nobody wants to admit it after ramming it down everybody's throats for 2 years. Pfizer have been forced to release there real data on the trials (what they tried to bury in the archives for 75 years). 55000 pages of it by May this year. What they have released so far is shocking. It's only because everybody's head is turned the other way by the war in Ukraine. 2 people I know very closely here in Mallorca have been injured by this gene therapy both with horrendous strokes. 1529 adverse side effects. It's one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life not taking it.