Coronavirus news

Comment: It’s up to the people now

I know we’re all sick and tired of Covid but it’s not over yet.

Covid has not gone away, in fact is appears to be on the rise again in the Balearics. | R.I.


With the Easter holidays looming, I have serious doubts that the wearing of masks indoors and in busy public areas will be lifted.

Spanish health experts have warned the government against being rushed into making the call, some have even recommended that the regulation remains in place until the summer.

The trouble is that, despite over 80 percent of the Balearic population aged over four having been vaccinated and with nearly half a million people having had their third booster jab, over the past two weeks, the number of new cases has been steadily rising.

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There has even been talk of a seventh wave coming, although the symptoms, in general, are expected to continue to be light.

With such a large percentage of the population vaccinated, there is only so much more the medical profession can do while it works on perfecting and improving the vaccines.
In the meantime, we’re going to have to learn to live with Covid and the onus is on us, the people.

It is up to us to now try and contain the spread of the virus and if that means having to continue wearing masks indoors for another few months, so be it.

Follow the basic advice we were given two years ago, wash hands, try and maintain social distancing and use common sense. I know we’re all sick and tired of Covid but it’s not over yet.