Comment: Transport strike can’t last

If truckers are not careful there could be a backlash

Spain’s striking truckers will have to cut their protest short soon. | - EFE


Spanish bars are already worried they will not have enough beer to quench the thirst of thousands of Britons coming on holiday this Easter as the transport strike continues, while other establishments have had to sources their gin and whisky from new markets after prices rocketed in the wake of Brexit.

However, while in the Balearics, businesses claim it will take two to three weeks to return to normal, I don’t think the truck drivers who are on strike across the mainland and blocking the ports will be able to last much longer.

The Spanish government is taking steps to lower fuel prices, although truckers are also angry over working conditions as well.

But, at the end of the day, the longer the truckers refuse to work and the more they spend on “expensive” fuel to drive around in their mass protests, they may find they run out of money to fund the protests sooner rather than later and have to go back to work.

What is more, the damage they have caused to the supply chain with some supermarkets having been forced to temporarily close and large food manufacturers reduce output, the lorry drivers are not gaining much support from the general public and consumers.

So, the sympathy factor is next to nothing considering everyone who owns a vehicle in Spain has been hit in the pocket by rising fuel prices. If truckers are not careful there could be a backlash.