Comment: Leave Mallorca’s bars alone

Beach bar in the Mondrago Natural park. | G. ALOMAR


There appears to be a sudden purge on beach bars in Mallorca. Across the island, councils are revoking concessions, many of which were granted decades ago, and ordering that iconic beach bars and restaurants, which have become hugely popular attractions over the years, be demolished. The latest is in the Mondragó natural park. It is for me one of the most beautiful parts of the island, lovely beaches, crystal clear water and the beach bar certainly does not bother me. In fact, after a long day lounging on the beach and yomping around the park, it’s a delight to finally sit down and enjoy a cool refreshing drink at an idyllic surrounding.

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The same can be said for the three bars and restaurants which have been targeted on the Playa de Muro. Like it or not, Mallorca is a beach destination and enjoying lunch with your toes dipped in the sea is a luxury which tens of thousands of people come to the island to enjoy, not to mention local residents. They are part of the fabric of the island’s beach tourism industry which accounts for the vast majority of the industry however much people want to bang on about culture etc. Yes, a happy balance has to be found between tourism and protecting the environment, but knocking down little beach bars and restaurants is not going to make much difference. Why not start with the old GESA building on the sea front in Palma, it benefits no one?