Comment: Putin killing his own people
They have become outcasts
Russia's President Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting on the country's oil and gas industry with representatives of Russian energy companies and officials via a video link at a residence outside Moscow. | SPUTNIK
Palma17/04/2022 09:30
What ever happens in Ukraine, Putin has not only destroyed a neighbouring country for no apparent reasons, he has also seriously damaged the reputation of his own people and it is going to take generations for Russians to be able to hold their heads up high again around the world.
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@Zoltan. Angry Fred has issues. He writes with such venom. He must be a very unhappy person angry with the world. I think I'd rather have a drink with some badly dressed Russians than Angry Fred. I mean to judge an individual regardless of there nationality is the lowest of the low. I keep telling him not to forget to take his meds.
@Fred Maybe you should learn to speak and write your own language properly before calling people 'thick" and 'morons'. As well as an English teacher I know a good anger management class I can recommend for you.
Note in Germany the pro-Russian protests by emigrée Russians. It's a thin line between protecting your rights, and supporting your country's aggression.
@Zoltan. I agree the west is the most corrupt. We seem to have this knack of taking the morale high ground on things. And poking are nose into problems that aren't ours to solve. We end up making it worse and we only get involved if it's in our interest. There excuse is democracy and freedom of speech. Which I see eroding in the west now faster than anything. They use the media the same way Putin does. Control the narrative to get the people on there side. Where's the outrage for the bombs Saudi Arabia drop on Yemen everyday??? Where the outrage for the Chinese locked up with no food starving in Shanghai?? Where's the outrage for president Biden leaving 80 billion dollars worth of weapons to the Taliban after a pointless 20 years of war?? People get brainwashed. Stop watching the TV. If you want to know a form of the truth try podcast other forms of alternative news. It's not need anymore it's western propaganda. Russia bad Ukraine good. It's not that simple don't fall for it.
Zoltan, what a moron you are. James you are thick as pigs#it. All Russians I have met in 20 years of living in Mallorca are entitled, stupid, badly dressed, rude and arrogant. Without fail. Their education system must be dreadful. All blinged up in Puerto Portals and Adriano, looking like a dogs dinner. They are animals. If they dont publicly come out against Putin, they are fair game for retribution. End of. 🔫
British people are great at pointing out corruption in other countries whilst not realising that the Uk is one of the most corrupt places on earth. Who do you think does all the money laundering for the world's biggest criminals? British banks were/are guilty of laundering billions of dollars of Mexican drug cartel money. This has been going on for years.
James, historically, you're correct about Ukraine. Very turbulent past with no shortage of wannabe dictators at the helm. But that's never been what the Ukrainian people wanted, which is why the elected Zelinsky, a seriously pro-democracy, pro Europe, and anti-Russia advocate. You don't change decades of corruption and implement "clean" policy overnight. But Ukraine was definitely on the right path.
Nobody really knows what's going on. It's not as black and white to say Russia is bad and Ukraine is good. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world and that's a fact. America and the West launder so much money through there so they have there reasons for Russia not to get there hands on it. Don't believe everything you read propaganda works both ways. And the last 2 years the west have upped there game with propaganda. Mainstream media is almost unbelievable now. If you believe it your brainwashed. Look at Twitter and Facebook it decides what they think is the correct narrative and if you disagree your silenced. Whatever side your on. Everybody should be fighting for free speech. People need to start thinking for themselves again. And stop big tech, big pharma and elitest corrupt politicians allowing them to do there thinking for them. Question everything especially the above.
Your assessment of the overall situation is generally correct and agreed. Acknowledging that there are many Russians who live outside the country, some are supporters of the Putin regime are others are against. Whilst this situation exists it is quite easy for those living outside to say 'its not me' even if they do (secretly) and therefore no Russian native should sit on the fence wherever they live....if you support the current atrocities then you are no better....if you don't then you need to make your position known (without ambiguity) if you expect to avoid being subjected to the wrath of non-Russians.....the same would apply to other citizens of other nationalities if the case arose....I personally think, to date, you are fortunate not to have been regarded as worse and treated accordingly.