Comment: Beach bars and grafitti
So, as I’ve said before, leave them alone
Political battles are breaking out across the island. In Palma, the debate over the upkeep of the city centre and the wave of graffiti engulfing the capital is getting tense, as it is about all of the road works, while along the coast, politicians are at loggerheads over the blanket dismantling of beach bars. With regards to the latter, not only have many of these beach bars been around for decades, they have become part of the attraction of so many beaches.
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the debate over the upkeep of the city centre - I dare you to show the twitter video being aired by your sister paper Ultima Hora. You are not under UK censorship here you know.
Who cares what the hoards of cruise passengers think? Your regular visitor to the capital from all over the island and beyond is the bigger concern. 1. Palma not looking too great with all the graffiti 2. Road works and traffic congestion 3. Hoards of bloody cruise passengers!
Charlie, even proletatiats enjoy a drink in the sun, which is why "red" Berlin has managed to turn its graffiti into a tourist attraction, and allows "beach" bars every summer along the river banks. And at the end of season, they are all packed away as if they were never there. Beach bars are not an environmental problem if responsibly managed and run.
Ban the sale of Spray Paints to Youth etc. Raise the cost of buying spray paints. Introduce the Anti Graffiti Paints. Stan The Man
Under extreme left governance graffiti is seen as freedom of expression by the proletariat. The last thing this government wants is to be seen to demonise graffiti in favour of encouraging capitalist tourism.
Good luck if you're waiting for policy and pragmatism to take precedent over politics!!!...but you and other media are also part of the problem by not decrying the politicians for their regular lunacy and lack of intellect!!....sitting on the fence for too long is proven to be a recipe for splinters in the a..s!