Give Mallorca a break

Spain should be welcoming the British back with open arms

Tourists are seen in the Borne in Palma. | Ultima Hora


The debate over cruise ships looks like it’s on a never ending journey while everyone is banging on and arguing about limiting the number of hotel beds and prohibiting alcoholic drinks. OK. I get it and I have been vocal in support of and against all schools of thought.

But, now is the time to think short term. Mallorca is on the right track moving forward. Yes, I agree, fewer tourists but ones of more quality and more spending power. But there is always a danger of trying to control and direct a market, if people don’t like it, they will go elsewhere. However, in the meantime, Europeans want to go on holiday this year and demand in Northern Europe, in particular the UK, for the Balearics is back to pre-pandemic levels, if not greater, so bring it on. The authorities know how many hotel beds there are, so they have a pretty good idea of how many people will be in the Balearics at the peak of the season. If the hotels, as forecast, are going to be full, then market forces will control the numbers.

This is the year of recovery and, as Manuel Butler, the director of the Spanish Tourist Office in London said this week, Spain should be welcoming the British back with open arms. The Balearics needs to be welcoming everyone back as well as attracting new visitors. We need to get moving so let’s open up the flood gates in the short term.