Killing live music in Palma

Live venues being pushed out to the industrial estates

No more large live music venues left in the centre of Palma. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


The debate over loud music continues to rage in Palma, with Santa Catalina appearing to be ‘ground zero’ for the problems residents are having with noise into the early hours and this I can understand.

However, there is another burning issue and that is the fact that there are no longer any proper live music venues in the centre of Palma.

I remember some four to five years ago talking to the organiser of one of Palma’s largest jazz festivals. His venue in the centre of Palma had been sold off to become a boutique hotel and, as far as the city council was concerned, his only option was to move out to an industrial estate, which he did much to his annoyance.

Being on an industrial estate is not the most salubrious location for live music venues plus it throws up problems such as transport.

He was of the opinion that Palma council wanted to gradually ease all of the live music venues out of the city centre, much to the detriment of the capital’s cultural attraction.

Now, as I found out last weekend, live music fans have no option but to watch bands perform seated in theatres, which rules out any opportunity of getting full value out of the experience by having a dance should you feel the urge, which most people do at live gigs. I know of people who have tried to open new venues, but the council’s answer is always no. Why? It’s neither much fun for the crowd nor the artists.