I had an official looking letter drop through my letterbox the day before yesterday and upon inspection it was from the local Electoral Returning Officer in this part of the world, who is in charge regarding public elections and how they are run in a democratic fashion. So far, so obvious I guess.
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This dear reader is, as every day that passes, more and more in favour of making the vote compulsory as well as having to show photographic evidence of the voters identity. Times change and we, the normally unsuspecting and generally incurruptible voter, needs to change with it. If not, we will find people, who do not deserve it, in power, because they understand, through the experience of living in other places, that it is the easiest way to influence people and gain power over a silent majority and line their pockets at the same time. In the U.K., London and Birmingham are prime examples. Major U.S. cities are another. None of the aforementioned places are doing well, actually quite the opposite.