Climate change is real, and we're running out of time

The damage has been done, but we can work on easing the situation

In Mallorca had a heat wave earlier this July. | M.A. CAÑELLAS


Over the past few months from Mallorca to almost every corner of the globe we’ve witnessed extremely dramatic and fatal incidents caused by climate change, but there appears to be a deep-rooted campaign by right-wing politicians in the west to question climate change and the need for action to be taken and quickly to try and ease the devastating consequences and manage the challenges better. As nearly all experts agree and many have told the Bulletin, we have passed the point of stopping climate change. The damage has been done, but we can work on easing the situation, getting used to living with it and being better prepared to tackle and respond to dramatic weather phenomena.

China has been hit by unseasonable flooding as has Libya, while the earthquake has killed thousands in Morocco and the death toll will continue to rise over coming weeks.

In Mallorca and other parts of Spain, we’ve had heat waves again, not to mention recent flooding, which has claimed at least three lives on the mainland and two off Mallorca. How right-wing politicians and think tanks can seriously question and even dismiss climate change is beyond me and is a very dangerous game to play. Not only will lives continue to be lost, so will jobs in sectors like the tourist industry.