Mallorca’s all-year chance

Palma can focus on becoming a serious player in the city-break market

Tourists seen near Palma's Cathedral during the winter months. | P. PELLICER


Mallorca could be on the eve of a new tourism dawn. According to the latest ABTA travel trends, since the pandemic there has been a marked increase in the number of people travelling outside of peak periods.

It appears that May and June are going to be the most popular months for overseas travel in the coming year, and with a similar number of people saying they intend to head abroad in September and October as in July and August, this is all good news for Mallorca as it ramps up its drive to decentralise the summer season and establish a solid and grounded all-year tourist industry. Furthermore, Palma has been gifted a golden opportunity as well.

Some 40% of people who took a break in the last 12 months headed for a UK or international city - up eight points on the previous year, with city breaks overtaking beach holidays as the most popular type of holidays for British travellers, according to the report.

So, while Mallorca can seriously start working on an all-year programme, Palma can focus on becoming a serious player in the city-break market.

The city’s excellent selection of five-star and boutique hotels is open all year, as is the tourist service sector such as restaurants, shops and attractions. And by all accounts the main airlines have increased their flight connections to Mallorca this winter.

So all the foundations are there for a busy winter season in the capital and hopefully elsewhere across the island because whatever the weather, there is plenty to enjoy in Mallorca during the winter.