The water in Mallorca...

We’ve left tackling climate change too late

Last year's heatwave where Mallorca reached up to 40 degrees. | J. MOREY


For once, sections of the powers than be can’t lay all the blame for the worrying lack of water resources at the feet of the millions of tourists who visit Mallorca every year.

To a large part climate change is to blame and, unfortunately, extremely hot, dry and long summers are going to get worse while rainfall is going to become increasingly scarce. Meteorologists are warning that within at least the next 30 years, the summer will be far too hot, which will lead to some dramatic changes in holiday habits.

Even the Spanish, many of whom are accustomed to the heat, are finding the summers too hot and are opting for more northern, cooler holiday destinations while northern Europeans may find themselves more comfortable on the beaches of the UK or northern France where it will be warmer but not scorching.

Peak season in Mallorca could eventually be during the winter, like the Canaries, but then there will be the question of how to manage the summer. The current authorities need to be taking this seriously now. We’ve left tackling climate change too late.