Britons coming to Mallorca can’t be that stupid...
Yes, it’s August and the period of the year the media call ‘the silly season’ due to a general lack of news.
More daft travel advice for British tourists. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter
Palma23/08/2024 09:56
I‘ve seen some headlines and stories in my time, even written some pretty desperate ones myself, but there is one doing the rounds in the UK at the moment which, apart from being laughable, is an insult to British tourists. Well, I hope those who read it take it as one.
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Some unbelievable complaints made by some very dim holiday makers: sourced from various travel companies. “Nobody warned us that there were fish in the sea.” “Our Spanish taxi driver only spoke Spanish.” “The brochure shows white sand, but it’s more yellow.” And my favourite… “We went to an Indian restaurant but they only served curries, I hate spicy food.”
Brits voted for Boris Johnson and Brexit and you say that they can't be stupid?
I'm not sure why this would come as any surprise. British tabloid media "warns UK tourists" almost daily of imaginary or irrelevant horrors they could face when coming to "Spain" or "Majorca" or wherever. Some of my recent favourites are ... ...the water restrictions in Puigpunyent, which the tabloids "warned UK tourists" about, and framed it as a "Majorca" restriction, although it was limited to Puigpunyent, which is not a place Brits are likely to go. Another good one is the one about liquids in carry on luggage. It's always been 100ml limit. They installed some machines a few months back that supposedly could determine whether any liquid in carry on was any threat, but it turns out they don't work so well, so they went back to the 100ml rule. But this is headlined as a "New setback for Brits", although it really has nothing to do with anything that hasn't always been. Just another "warning" about nothing. And of course, there's the "anti-tourism" movement, broadly parroted in British tabloid media, widely sensationalised to "warn" of the "dangers" to "British tourists", although there was no evidence of any "danger".