Be cool, enjoy winter in Mallorca

I have definitely noticed a spike in British tourists in Mallorca since children went back to school

Tourists on the beach in Mallorca in winter. | M.A. CAÑELLAS


I may have left booking my 'end of summer' holiday a bit late this year, but never have I had so much trouble finding accommodation during the first week of October. Fortunately, after a great deal of persistence, we managed to book one of the top hotels on our wish list, but it took some doing - not even the booking platforms had any rooms.

And once we had checked in, we found ourselves surrounded by British holidaymakers, and a few Poles - a market which has posted 41 percent growth in Mallorca this year. Plus, once I got chatting with the hotel staff, all rather pleased to speak Spanish, I was informed that not only had the hotel, traditionally popular with Britons, been full all summer, it was booked out until is closes in the middle of November.

Granted, it is an adults-only hotel, but the ages varied from young couples to guests who had been visiting the hotel for years, decades in some cases. So the love affair and appeal of Mallorca remains strong and it appears that the tail end of the high season is also proving an attraction. Yes, it was not as hot as peak summer, but we had nine days of glorious sunshine with most people opting for the sea as opposed to the swimming pool, I can tell you the sea was warmer! But it’s not just the climate.

I’ve been hearing over the past week Mallorca is considered a safe destination which is easy to get to, although it should be even easier in the winter because a return to all-year tourism is certainly achievable.