The labour laws have made it increasingly difficult for staff to earn more cash. | LUIS TEJIDO
Palma 31/01/2025 09:22
If you believe the International Monetary Fund and the Spanish government then Spain is enjoying an economic miracle and is the rising star of the European Union. The Spanish economy is out-performing the rest of Europe. But I don’t agree and in my humble opinion Spain has got economic problems which somehow are being shielded. The much mentioned lack of housing is one of the biggest problems, with high rents eating into people’s salaries.
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Zoltan TeglasYou what now?
Zoltan TeglasYet so many are demanding to be able to freely live here without having to do anything. As if it's more desirable somehow.
Morgan WilliamsSounds like fake news to me as everything in the UK is better than Spain. The national football team, the infrastructure, the quality of life, the weather, the food, life expectancy, health service, crime rates - all better in the UK.
A lot of contradictions here. You say, rightly, that many people are struggling to get by, only then to insinuate that the minimum wage is too high! How is a lower minimum wage going to help people get by? Then you use a quote about how it's hard to grow an economy when taxes are high - well if this is true and taxes are too high, how come the economy is growing?
According to poverty watch, about 20% of the Spanish population is "at risk" of poverty. However, economic improvement and declining unemployment are likely to lower that number in the next years. However, in the UK, around 21% are actually IN poverty. And as the UK economy continues to decline, that figure is likely to rise in the coming years. It's not a contest. It's not a good thing. But your premise seems a bit flawed.