Spanish government rift over shorter working week breaks into the open
Spain was one of Europe's top economic performers last year, with growth driven by a tourism boom, migration and a strengthening labour market.
As things stand, the pay for restaurants and clubs under collective bargaining equates, in general, to the lowest band for the hotels
As things stand, the pay for restaurants and clubs under collective bargaining equates, in general, to the lowest band for the hotels.
33% of job contracts contravene the law
The employment minister stressed that most companies stick to the rules but observed that there is still too much non-compliance.
Union attacks town hall over police working hours' allegations
The union was hitting back at what Palma's councillor for public safety has said about police working hours.
No increase in Palma taxi-drivers' hours of working
Palma's transport councillor Joan Ferrer had already pretty much ruled out an increase in hours and he has now confirmed this.
Employment inspection campaign has begun
Inspectors from the regional employment ministry and social security have started the much-heralded summer campaign against company fraud in respect of working hours and overtime.
Salaries not keeping pace with economic growth
“These high growth figures are equivalent to those pre-crisis...”
Rajoy advocates restoring Greenwich Mean Time in Spain
Rajoy has promised that if he is the next prime minister, he will make sure the working day ends at 6pm by turning back the clocks in line with GMT.
Homebound vs. headquarters: The great workplace debate in Mallorca
I wonder what the reaction would be here in Spain if a head of a company was to say to his workforce, “If you don’t like it, please seek alternative employment”.
Richie Prior20/05/2024 11:56