More airline seats to Mallorca mean nothing

Another record season already being talked about

Not everyone is going to welcome even more tourists this year. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


Flight and hotel prices have risen, not to mention general living costs in Mallorca, so just because the island is going to handle more airline seats, although fewer aircraft this year, does not mean it’s going to be another bumper season.

Plus, if the local authorities and groups involved in the sustainable tourism project, which has already lost some important members out of protest, are being sincere and honest, then surely the airlines would be involved with drawing up the plan for the future of Mallorca’s tourist industry. It’s all very well coming up with insular ideas, but if the big internationals players in the industry like airlines and hoteliers are given a free rein, then nothing is going to change, perhaps the situation will get even worse.

If during the peak summer months all of the legal accommodation is booked out and the extra seats are full, where is everyone going to stay? Illegal rentals are what a leading member of the Mallorcan tourist industry told me - he blamed the low-cost airlines for being part of the illegal rental problem.
So, little appears to have really changed on the ground, let’s see what happens in the air. One has to take into account that the main tour operators and carriers have also significantly increased capacity to competing destinations.