September 11 was only a little more than four months ago and understandably Cheryl MacGuinness, widow of one of the American Airline pilots on board one of the two planes flown in to the Twin Towers by terrorists, does not like to talk about events on that tragic day. When she does, she says that she does so to give some hope to the other widows and victims. Cheryl MacGuinness also prefers to keep her opinions about the alleged mistreatment of prisoners being held at Camp X-Ray to herself, she prefers not to discuss Guantanamo Bay, period. “All I will say is that President Bush is doing a good job in the fight against terrorism, he's also leading out country and its people very well.” She admits however that some people in the United States are still very nervous. “It depends, some are more nervous than others, everybody is different, but we have great confidence and faith in God which helps us in everything we do and above all to over come our suffering,” she said yesterday during her visit to Palma. Through her faith in God she knows that justice will be served on Bin Laden. “Bin Laden will pay for what he did in collaboration with the Devil and one day there will be justice. “Whether he's in a cave, a building or the desert where ever, God is very strong and justice will be done,” she said. Cheryl, son Tom Jr. and daughter Jennifer have not been to Ground Zero, “we don't need to go to remember,” she said. September 11 is still firmly in the family's minds. “When flying, my father always left home early, at around 5 a.m., so he never used to wake us, we'd see him later or the next day,” said Tom. While Tom and Jennifer were at school, a friend called Cheryl to ask where her husband was. “Flying, why?” Cheryl turned on the television to watch the liv images like the rest of the planet and the repeated sequences of the planes crashing in to the towers. “It was the American Airlines's director of pilots who told me: the plane being flown by your husband has been used as a missile against the Twin Towers by terrorists.” Drawing on all her strength and willpower,Cheryl drove to the children's college and broke the news. Four months on and the family is a pillar of strength. “We're a close, united and strong family. My husband was a leader, strong and very communicative. There were no secrets, we knew everything about each other. “Now, however we don't have him with us, but I can see that my children do and say things because he lived with us and I'm very proud to see them doing what their father taught them,” Cheryl said. “Despite what happened on September 11, the United States has shown that it is undestructible. On that day, instead of feeling destroyed, the opposite occurred. America woke up and the country got stronger and Americans if possible, felt even prouder,” said Tom MacGuinness Jr.