A man died when hit by the Inca train shortly after it left Palma station, at the Eusebio Estada bridge. The police have opened an investigation into the circumstances of the death, and to identify the victim, a middle aged man who carried no identification. The judge ordered an autopsy to be held. The train left the station in the Plaza España at 2pm and it was nearly full. A passenger said that a few minutes after leaving the station, the driver braked suddenly, and they were later informed that a man had died after being hit by the train. An ambulance rushed to the scene, but paramedics were unable to do anything for the man. The train from Sa Pobla which arrived in Palma at 2.45pm left for Inca immediately after reaching the Plaza España and stopped at the site of the accident to pick up the passengers from the other train. According to some people who gathered at the scene of the accident, the man had thrown himself off the bridge, although the body was some distance from the bridge. Other reports said that he had been sitting on the wall and fell just as the train was passing. A third version claimed that the man was drunk and had been walking along the track.