By Humphrey Carter BALEARIC government ministers and regional union bosses will today meet to discuss the programme of minimum services for April 10, the day of the strike in protest against the war in Iraq. Support for the proposed general strike on April 10 is split across Spain with some unions claiming that not all their members back the day of protest and therefore can not back the strike. However, across the country some form of protest will be carried out, from 15 minute stoppages to one-day strikes and union support in the Balearics is expected to be strong. Balearic union chiefs said yesterday that the strike has been called in protest against the attack on Iraq, to call for peace and to show central government “yet again” that the majority of people are against the war. Once minimum services are agreed today, then protest action will be decided on with a massive march through the capital expected to be the focal point of the day's demonstrations across the region. Yesterday students at the Balearic University held another wave of protests and this Saturday, more anti-war demonstrations will be held in Palma.