“PEACE, solidarity and votes for the Balearic government” were the three principal demands of some 3.500 people who joined the May Day march through Palma yesterday. The annual rally, organised by the country's two main union, the CC.OO workers commission and the UGT general workers' union, attracted just 1'200 people, according to the police, while union bosses put the figure at 3'500. Either way, unlike in recent years, there were no clashes with the police as the march weaved its way from the Plaza de España to Parc de la Mar in festive mood. The rally in the Parc de la Mar, where a giant paella was prepared and accompanied by live music, attracted a large number of local government ministers and candidates for Mayor of Palma. Both the war in Iraq and the conservative Partido Popular came under heavy criticism from union leaders. CC.OO boss Josep Benedicto, proclaimed “the only weapons of mass destruction were those dropped on Baghdad” while urging the crowd not to vote for the PP at the local elections. UGT leader Lorenzo Bravo said “globalisation has led to the invasion of countries and the killing of people, vote for the parties which represent the working class,” referring to the present left wing coalition government in the Balearics. Local government leader Francesc Antich, before the march started, stressed the need to support the union, only to add what a wonderful job his government has done over the past four years.