Staff reporter

THOUSANDS of people from all nationalities filed through the Bishop's Palace in Palma yesterday to pay their last respects to the late Bishop of Majorca Teodor Ubeda and sign the book of condolence. From 10 am until 9pm, there was a continual flow of people through the palace, including members of the church, local politicians and dignitaries while many of the palace rooms filled with wreaths. This morning at 11.30, the body of the Bishop, who died on Sunday, will be moved to the Cathedral where a private funeral will be held at mid-day.
The funeral will be attended by the Cardinal Ricard Maria Carles of Barcelona, the Archbishop of Valencia, and the Bishops of Minorca, Ibiza, Tortosa, Casetellon and Alicante as well as representatives from the various Christian churches. A group of 100 people, led by the mayor, Rafael Portero, are travelling to Palma for the funeral from the late Bishop's birth place in Onteniente near Valencia.