by Staff Reporter
JUST when you thought you could pack your winter woollies away for the summer, the Civil Defence board has issued a storm warning for Majorca and Minorca.

A spokesman warned of the risk of heavy rain of up to 30 litres per square metre in an hour in the north of Majorca, and winds of up to 80kph, also in the north of the island and in Minorca.

The Met Office also warned of a a storm, with lightning, which will move from the sea off the north of Majorca towards Minorca.
The summer got off to an uncertain start this month, and residents and visitors alike were taken by surprise last week when temperatures suddenly plummeted and it rained.

Up to 17 litres per square metre of rainfall was measured in Alfabia, and slightly less in other parts of the island.
The weather picked up after a day or two, but now, it seems, the storms are on their way back.
It is not only June which is not running true to form.
May was described as the coldest and wettest since 1985.
Head of the Met Office Agustin Jansà said that in some parts of the island, such as Lluc, rainfall was three times as much as usual.
But, he said, this is not too unusual, as May is always an unpredictable month. Besides, he went on, the rain is needed to replenish the underground water tables, the levels of which have dropped considerably after several years of drought.

The authorities say there will be no water shortages this summer.