THE president of Asaja-Baleares (an agricultural federation) has attributed the presence of the poisonous antibiotic cloranfenicol found in samples of animal tissue on another four farms in the Islands, to the use of animal feed manufactured outside of the European Union.

Speaking yesterday, Biel Company has, however, “wholeheartedly” defended the continued use of “maximum veterinary controls”. “In general”, he said, “a good watch is kept on standards” on farms in the region. He pointed to a system enabling vets and farmers to trace animal food sources, which means that meat consumers can rest assured about the fine quality of food products.

Although “it is impossible to remove every trace of risk”, Company added that control mechanisms “are working”.
He insisted that rigorous analyses are carried out in abattoirs.
Company believed, however, that it is necessary to tighten Customs controls because in countries which do not belong to the European Union, prerequisites for fulfilling the standards of quality demanded by the Member states are not so strict.

Farmers buy such material without realising that the product does not necessarily comply with European Union by-laws.