UNEMPLOYMENT, housing, terrorism and immigration are the questions which most worry young University students in Spain, according to a study presented yesterday by the BBVA Foundation.

The report also says that there are more young people who define themselves as left (32 percent) than right (10.7 percent), although generally they did not actively participate in political parties as they don't trust them and don't feel that they (the young people) are listened to.

With regard to immigration, one of the fundamental problems in Spain, University students view the arrival of immigrants as positive, providing they come here legally and have the intention of working.

However, in spite of the fact that multiculturalism is seen by young people as a source of enriching society, they are concerned about the integration difficulties it can bring with it.

Among the social behaviour which they view as acceptable is the copying of music, buying imitation designer clothes or keeping money they find. On the other hand, they reject social behaviour such as driving under the influence of alcohol and taking cocaine or marijuana or. The professional groups least trusted by University students are politicians and religious leaders, while those they most trust are doctors and scientists.