Staff Reporter

THE energy company GESA Endesa have given their energy saving education programme to a total of 3'000 primary and secondary school pupils on the islands during this school year.

This was a pilot version of the programme, which goes under the title “Don't waste energy in your home, consume energy efficiently”.
This was announced yesterday by the director general, Jaume Reguart, during the presentation of the results of this first edition of the campaign. Also present were the coordinator of the company Ciencia Divertida, which is in charge of delivering the programme, and GESA's head of communications, Magdalena Frau. They all emphasised the necessity of making children and teenagers aware of how to save energy.

In total, the programme was given throughout the school year to 1'980 pupils in primary, secondary, and pre University education in 48 education centres on Majorca; to 540 pupils in 11 centres on Minorca; and to 480 pupils on Ibiza in 13 education centres.

During the last few months, all of them took part in an hour long workshop given by the staff of Ciencia Divertida in which, via games and six experiments on atoms and electrons, they learned what energy is, about the electric current and how to use it efficiently, especially in the home.

Reguart said that the campaign will continue during the next school year, and they hope that more pupils will attend. He also said that they will round off the 2007-2008 school year with new workshops, this time about gas, with a character created specially for the occasion called “Gaspar”, who is “a super hero who defends energy”, he added.

Reguart explained that the company also hoped to increase school visits to their installations, through the Espacio GESA programme.