THE work on the Palma metro is in its final phase and will be open to the public this summer, according to the Director General of Transport, Toni Verger.

Verger was speaking at the Son Fuster Vell station yesterday as journalists were invited to examine progress on the works so far.
However, Verger still hasn't given an exact date for when the metro will finally open after being closed for over seven months already.
A number of tests on security systems in the metro remain to be tested as does final work on a number of sections of drain.
Verger said that the rains of the last few days had shown that the drainage system was now working properly. “In the industrial estate (Son Castello) you could see it was working perfectly, there was no water accumulating on the surface,” said Verger. According to the Director General, the rains have caused a delay in the repair work.

Verger did not specify the cost of the repair work on the metro. He added that he could spend half an hour talking about all things that had been inexplicably left undone on the metro.