REGIONAL Environment minister, Jaume Grimalt, said yesterday that since the beginning of the year to 15th October last, the Balearic Islands have manage to reduce by half the area of wood and scrubland decimated by forest fires.

The minister confirmed that only 44 hectares have been lost during this period of time as against 86 during the same period last year. At a presentation of a report on damage caused by forest fires at the end of the hottest and driest period of the year, Grimalt said that of the total burned territory this year, 38.8 hectares had consisted of scrubland.

The minister expressed his approval that of these “very good” results, pointing to the declining figures over the last decade during which 244.5 hectares have been lost to fire as opposed to the preceding decade of 1988 to 1997 when 860.9 were destroyed by fire in the Balearics.