PALMA FLORISTS in Majorca have not been immune to the economic crisis currently affecting most of the Western world - on “All Saints Day” when they can normally expect maximum takings from those visiting cemeteries to lay flowers, sales have reportedly dropped by between 20 and 30 percent in comparison to last year.

The florists association of Majorca said yesterday that under normal circumstances, St. Valentine's Day, Christmas and All Saints Day sales mean that each of their members can expect to make about 6'000 euros a day when people spend between 30 and 50 euros a head. The association reported however that there are other factors which have helped to compound the downturn in sales, including the fact that more people are choosing to be cremated as opposed to buried. The so-called “black” flower market also robs association members of profits, a trade in which inferior blooms and materials are used to make wreaths and bouquets - the association has called on local government to control the sale of second-rate stock from unofficial sales points. The unpredictable climate has progressively taken its toll on flower growing.