BOTH of Palma's national health hospitals, Son Dureta and Son Llatzer, have been listed in this year's list of the best 20 hospitals in Spain.
The Balearic Minister for Health, Vicenç Thomas, said yesterday that he and all the staff at both hospitals are extremely pleased to have made the top 20 for yet another year and he said that the high standing of both medical centres is a worthy reward for the dedicated and professional work carried out by everybody involved in the smooth and efficient running of the hospitals.

Son Dureta received another special mention along with the foundation hospital in Manacor for the Special Nervous System clinics both centres run.

147 hospitals, 120 public and 26 private, were assessed in this year's ranking and hospitals in Cataluña, Valencia, Castilla y Leon and Castilla La Mancha accompanied the two Majorcan hospitals at the top of the table which was first compiled nine years ago.