CONTINGENTS of armed forces from the Balearic Islands could be taking part in peace-keeping missions in The Lebanon, in Afghanistan and Kosovo during 2010. The plans are largely the result of successful missions of this nature that they carried out earlier this year in the Balkans.

Lieutenant Colonel Antoni Ortiz, head of communications for the Balearic Command, said yesterday during armed force parades celebrating Spain's national holiday of the Inmaculada Concepción attended by local government officials, that there is a real possibility of further missions in 2010. He said however that if soldiers from the Balearics are to take part, they would have to be prepared to specialise in particular units such as armoured vehicles. Colonel Miquel Angel Conde also spoke of the possibility yesterday during his speech at the Military base in Palma where he decorated armed forces personnel who had seen active service in Kosovo this year. The Colonel also spoke of planned reinforcements for the Balearics and investment in “modernisation” of army equipment. He also paid tribute to the families of the soldiers who had to confront loneliness of their own whilst their loved ones were in action elsewhere.