NEWSDESK JUST 24-hours after being strongly accused by the unions for having done nothing to try and help struggling businesses and combat rising unemployment, the Balearic government announced that it plans to meet union bosses and business chiefs this month to draw up an Employment Plan.

Balearic Employment Minister, Joana Barcelo, yesterday admitted that the government had intended to have held the meeting last month, as agreed back in July, but the meeting will now take place within the next 15 days.

Unemployment in the Balearics hit a record 73, 298 at the end of last year - 23'294 more than at the close of 2007 - and the government has spent the past five months promising action.

However, the unions are angry that a number of important sectors, such as the airline industry, have been allowed to slip into trouble while the local government has done little to help.

Special aid is also going to be made for the self-employed whom, Barcelo admitted, have been forgotten about.