CAR hire companies at Palma airport increased their profits between January and July this year by 7.15 percent in comparison with the same period in 2008, but they also claim that operating costs have increased.

Bulletin readers will be furious about their increased profits, judging by the large number of letters the newspaper has received complaining about the lack of availbale vehicles and the high prices this summer.

Car hire company association Baleval confirmed yesterday that based on information provided by the Spanish Airports Authority (AENA), the total amount invoiced during the first seven months of this year by these companies exceeded 40 million euros. This upturn in profits at a time of full recession has been due to reduction in numbers within the car hire fleets and price increases imposed during June and July. This made up for the slump in trade experienced during the early part of the year, explained Baleval.

Businesses have calculated that the total number of cars available for hire on Majorca this summer numbered some 33'000 which is about a third less than there were last year. In terms of prices, Baleval said that they have increased by an average of 11 percent in comparison with last year although at times of peak demand, they have gone up by as much as 25 percent.