Soller.—More than 5'000 tonnes of sand from the mainland have been shipped in to the Port of Soller as part of the enlargement project of the Playa del Traves.

Two additional cargoes being ferried in to the Bay of Soller during the coming week will ultimately enable the beach to be extended by some 300 metres.
The work to unload the first cargo ship is proceeding well but is a lengthy process involving three days of both day and night shifts. Project operation sources said that 60 hours is required to get all the sand off the vessel.

Securely anchored
The first stage of unloading involved positioning the vessel centrally in the bay and securely anchoring her.
Once she is empty, the vessel will set sail to Valencia, from whence she came, in order to load up again with sand from the Chinchilla quarry and make another journey back to Soller.

Eventually, 16'000 tonnes of sand - double the amount originally envisaged - will be deposited in Soller for the new beach extension, channelled to their final resting place through a series of pipelines. These have already been set up during preparatory work carried out at the beginning of the week and are lying waiting for the cargo.

Opposition parties on Soller town council have criticised the delay in getting the sand to Soller to enlarge the beach, but earlier this week, tourist businesses in the Port expressed their satisfaction at the progress which has been made to date.

The beach extension they claim, will enable Soller to be more competitive by providing more room for tourists on what is currently just a small stretch of shoreline.