Palma.—24 hours after the judge presiding over the Palma Arena corruption case, in which the former Balearic President Jaume Matas is implicated, lifted the 2.5 million euro security bond for Matas, the Banco de Valencia announced that should the former President wish to recuperate his Palma properties, he must first clear his 3.9 million euro debt with the financial institution.

Judge Castro decided to lift Matas's bail because the former Partido Popular president and Spanish Minister for the Environment has complied fully with the court's requirements, such as presenting himself to his nearest police station every 15 days.

However, he has been asked to pay the Palma High Court 500'000 euros as a civil bond because Matas is currently appealing against a six year prison sentence handed down during the first Palma Arena hearing held in February. Matas owes the Banco de Valencia 3.9 million euros because he borrowed the money to cover his bail from the bank, but as he has neither paid the loan nor the interest back, should he wish to recuperate his Palma properties, he must first pay the bank 3.9 million euros.