Palma.— Health experts were warning people yesterday of the importance of drinking enough water to ensure basic health.
The Official Doctors' College (OMC) has published a survey “Hydration and Health of the Spanish Population” in which it confirms straightforwardly that the principal causes of dehydration are not drinking enough, excess physical activity and sunbathing.

The study, which was carried out amongst over 18-year-olds throughout Spain, showed that 98 percent of people interviewed in the Balearics claimed never to have suffered from dehydration. However, 59 percent were showing symptoms, 21 percent confirmed noticing excessive perspiration and 29 percent reported tiredness and sleepiness.

Don't wait
Furthermore, 55 percent of people in the Balearics said that they waited until they felt thirsty before having something to drink.
Doctor Pilar Riobó, head of Endocrinology and Nutrition at the Jimenez Diaz Foundation in Madrid. “People have got to change this habit,” she said. “By the time they feel thirsty, it means that liquid has already been lost and already a certain level of dehydration has set in.” “If we don't replace the water our body loses in the space of a day, our system ekes out liquid from the interior of our body cells, resulting in headache, tiredness and a sensation of weakness.” Dr. Riobó explained that elderly people are more susceptible to dehydration as with age, the trigger which lets our bodies know we need water starts to become eroded.

Howev er, it was clear from the study that people in the Balearics were those who drank less than they need with 90 percent of the regional population not drinking 2.5 litres a day.

The OMC said that water is important for everyone but the most vulnerable to dehydration apart from the elderly are those who are ill, people taking medicine regularly pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding. Meanwhile people who work outside need to make sure they have constant water supply as do those practising physical activity regularly. In the Balearics, the percentage of the population at risk, said the survey is as high as 28 percent.