The Guardia Civil yesterday reported that last Wednesday two men aged 20 and 18 were arrested in connection with 18 robberies in and around Manacor.
The two suspects have been identified as Mohammed S. and Mokhtar S. and according to the Guardia Civil the two have been targeting isolated rural properties for the past few months.

An investigation was mounted at the start of the month after a spate of robberies and the Guardia Civil made their move to arrest the suspects last Wednesday when they stormed a number of houses in Manacor.

Apparently, 450 grams of precious metals were recovered along with other items, mainly jewelry worth an estimated 9'000 euros. The Guardia Civil claim to have solved 18 robberies but there may be more and further arrests are not being ruled out as the investigation remains open. Those items which have been recovered are on show at the Guardia Civil headquarters in Manacor all this week from 9am to 1pm so people can reclaim their stolen items.